Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Keys to an Effective Fitness Program (Part 5 of 5): Nutrition

The fifth key component to an effective fitness program is:


For some people, nutrition is the most challenging part of the fitness equation (the equation being: good nutrition + effective workouts = fit & healthy!)

You've probably heard the quote "You can't out-train a bad diet". Well, it's true. You can be doing all of the other components religiously, but if you're eating crap, you're wasting a lot of your time. You need to get a handle on what you're putting into your body.

I listed nutrition as the fifth key component, but in order of importance, it's #1. Food can be fuel or poison to your body. General guidelines for good nutrition are:

  • Don't eat processed, fried or sugary foods. 
  • Do eat lean meats, fruits, vegetables and nuts. 
  • Drink LOTS of water.

I'm not saying you should never indulge in dessert or a "cheat meal", but ask yourself how what you're about to eat or drink is going to make you feel. If the answer is overly-full, bloated, lethargic, or regretful, it's not worth the brief enjoyment you'll have while you're chewing or drinking it. Instead, choose something that will make you feel energetic, healthy, invigorated! 

Follow these 5 keys and you'll be on your way to achieving a better level of fitness :)

As always, let me know if you need help with any of this.

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