Sunday, September 28, 2014

Keys to an Effective Fitness Program (Part 3 of 5): Lifting Weights

The third key component to an effective fitness program is:


Who wants something that works for you while you're not doing anything? I'm assuming everyone does, which means everyone wants muscle! Besides making your body toned, helping you do everyday things more easily and allowing you to do new things with your added strength, muscle burns fat while you aren't even working out.

Ladies: don't worry about bulking up! That just won't happen. You'd have to be lifting lots of low reps of seriously heavy weights, eating tons of protein, or using some "supplements" you shouldn't be.

Weight lifting should be a part of everyone's fitness program.

It increases your metabolism.

It makes you perform better in other activities i.e.. legs with more muscle have more power and run faster.

It increases bone density, which is very important as we age.

It makes you strong. This may not be one of your goals, but it should be. You should be able to lift your groceries, laundry, children, etc without struggle and injury.

It makes you look good. Who doesn't want a toned body?

And, all of these things make you feel better and more confident. So...get lifting!

Check back tomorrow for the 4th key component to achieving a better level of fitness :)

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