Thursday, August 13, 2015

Living a High Performance Life: PRODUCTIVITY

The fourth area of high performance is productivity. Being highly productive is being consistently focused and effective, which means being good at minimizing distractions and maintaining priorities.

There are so many distractions in our lives today and we've been taught that multi-tasking is a good thing. Well, studies have shown that multi-tasking is NOT a good thing. It makes you LESS productive at each of the things that you are trying to do. You can effectively get more done by FOCUSING on 1 thing at a time.

Think about a time when you were being really productive. What were you doing?

I think back to when I was making a career change to become a personal trainer. I had very little time outside my corporate job, but I made very good use of it. I was focused & excited about becoming a trainer; I made becoming a trainer a priority, and I worked really hard at it.

Think about where you are not being productive enough right now. What's the difference between your time of high productivity and now?

What can you do to get back to high productivity?

You may need to re-adjust your priorities; block off time on your schedule; or take steps to eliminate or remove yourself from distractions. This may be a challenge, but in the end, you'll wind up less stressed, getting more done, and feeling better about the way you spend each day :)

Monday, August 10, 2015

Living a High Performance Life: COURAGE

The third area of high performance is courage. This is referring to the courage to: come out of your comfort zone, be decisive with difficult decisions, take bold action, fully express yourself, and take risks.

Everyone has places in their lives they could have more courage.

People avoid taking action for three reasons and they're all fear based:

  1. They're worried they may lose something. For example, they want to lose weight, but don't want to stop going out to eat or to Happy Hours with friends.
  2. They're worried that something may be too hard. For example, they want to lose weight, but are afraid they won't be able to stick to a diet.
  3. They're worried they'll go through the process of doing something and won't get their desired outcome. For example, they're afraid they will deprive themselves of foods they like and torture themselves at the gym, but not lose any weight.
Ask yourself if there are areas in your life that you are backing down from something or someone. 

What's the worst thing that could happen if you take the action you've been suppressing? Is the answer really that bad?

What's the best thing that could happen? Focus on THAT and take action! 

Being courageous will lead you to greater success, experience and happiness in the end. So, get out of your comfort zone and start enjoying the rewards of being courageous :)