Monday, November 17, 2014

WHY do you want that?

When it comes to our heath & fitness, lack of motivation is at the top of the list of challenges people face. For some, the hardest part of the workout is just making it to the gym.

Unless you have a powerful reason WHY you want to get in shape / lose weight, you're not going to: deprive yourself of your favorite foods and drinks; wake up 2 hours early in the dark and cold and drag yourself to the gym; exercise after you've had a long, tiring day of work. At least not for very long.

One big reason so many people don't achieve their fitness goals is that their goals aren't meaningful enough. Wanting to lose 15 pounds isn't enough to keep you going long-term. WHY do you want to lose 15 pounds? You need a meaningful reason to motivate you.

Is it to fit into clothes that will make you feel sexy? To look good at your reunion or your daughter's wedding? To feel confident at the beach in your bathing suit? To play with your kids without feeling winded?

These are goals you can visualize achieving. These are the things you need to focus on when you don't feel motivated to workout or when someone offers you a piece of cake. These are the things that will keep you going.

Think about your goals. Are they meaningful? Have you fought about your "whys"? This goes for all of your goals.

If you have a goal of making more money—why?? Do you want the money to pay off existing debt? To pay for your kids to go to college? To go on a dream vacation with your spouse? To get a new car or house? You'll need motivating reason to work late, miss social functions, etc.

Whatever your goals are, stay focused on your "whys" and go achieve them :)