Monday, January 19, 2015

Are You One of "Those People Who Don't Like to Exercise"?

I've been encouraging my mother to workout for years.  She once said to me, "Claire, I'm one of those  people who just doesn't like to exercise".  I'm pretty sure she thinks she's in the minority. I'm also pretty sure MOST people—probably 95% of people?—don't like to exercise. Some dread it; some won't even consider it.

I don't always like to exercise.  In fact, I just finished a workout that I HATED almost every minute of. (I'm actually still lying on the floor recovering, no joke—that's what got me thinking about this.) But, I LOVE the way working out makes me feel.

Exercising relieves stress and makes me feel: strong, fit, healthy, accomplished, and good about myself. I can't think of anything else that can do all of those things. And, you can do it for free! You can do it at home, with just your bodyweight, for even a short amount of time, and reap the rewards.

With all the benefits exercise provides, it should be a part of everyone's life. I encourage you to try to find exercise you enjoy. Think beyond the treadmill. Maybe it's a sport, group class, dance, or outdoor activity?

If you're having trouble thinking of something you'll "enjoy", just pick something that you're open to doing.  I often say, "no one ever regrets working out when they're done." The hardest part is often motivating yourself to start. Focus on how you're going to feel once you do it. Keep that focus to motivate you. Then, enjoy how you feel when you're done! Who knows, you may even grow to like it :)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Winter Warm Ups

A dynamic warm up is important. It prepares your body for the workout you're about to do by increasing your heart rate, respiratory rate, and tissue temperature. Among other things, this serves to increase blood flow to your muscles and your cardiorespiratory system's capacity to perform work.

During the cold weather some of us are experiencing now, it is even more important to warm up before your workout. We're cold and our muscles are tight!

Full body exercises will do a great job of getting you warmed up. Try these...
(If you're a beginner, you can also use this as your whole workout by doing a few sets.)

Do the following exercises for 30 seconds each:
1) Jumping Jacks
2) High Knees with Punches
3) Alternating Side Lunges with High Elbows Driving Back
4) Dynamic Lunges with Rotation
5) Straight Leg Front Kicks with Punches
6) Squat to Alternating Knee Raise
7) Jumping Jacks with Uppercuts
8) Full body Extension

Now that you're warmed up, have a great workout!