Friday, July 4, 2014

It's Hot! Stay Hydrated!

This week the tri-state area experienced temperatures in the 90s and humidity that makes it hard to breathe. Without even looking at the calendar, we know that summer has finally arrived.  But, after the horrible winter we had, even with the oppressive heat, we're outdoors. We swore during those snowy days that we wouldn't complain about the heat—if it would just get here! So, now we're running, biking, hiking, playing beach volleyball & soccer in the blistering sun. 

It feels great to be outdoors and active, but we need to make sure we stay hydrated. I can't stress this enough. I'm constantly telling my clients to drink water and they respond that they don't need it. Well, guess what? You do need water! All day long! And, you need to drink more water when you are working out. And, you need to drink even more water when it's hot out.

A good measure for how much water you should normally be drinking is half your bodyweight in ounces. So, if you weigh 150 lbs, you should be drinking 75 oz of water a day. Sound like a lot? We need it! Water is essential to almost all bodily functions. It helps digestion and metabolic function, hydrates brain cells, eliminates toxins, provides elasticity to muscles & joints, and regulates body temperature, amongst other things.

When you're working out in the in heat, you need to consume even more water. And, don't wait until you're thirsty! By the time you're feeling parched, you're on your way to becoming dehydrated. 

You should start drinking water before you exercise—17-20 oz 2 hours prior to exercise, then another 8 oz 30 min before your workout. You should continue to drink 8 oz every 15 minutes during exercise and for 30 min afterwards.

If your workout lasts one hour or less, water is sufficient for hydration. For longer bouts of exercise, you can have a sports drink or coconut water.

Fruits are another way to hydrate. Berries and melons have as much as 80% water content. So, enjoy the fruits of summer!

Alcohol, on the other hand, is not another good way to hydrate. It is a diuretic, taking water from the body. So, if you're enjoying a few beers during or after your activity of choice, make sure you are also drinking water!

You get the point. Enjoy the summer. Get outside. Be active. Stay hydrated.

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