Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fat Loss vs Weight Loss

When I ask people what their fitness goals are, their response almost always includes losing a number of pounds.

When we talk about wanting to lose weight, what we want to focus on is losing fat. And, we actually want to gain muscle. Muscle is what creates that "toned" or "ripped" look.  And, muscle burns calories—even when you're not working out! One pound of lean muscle burns approximately 50 calories a day.

If you just restrict your calories and don't exercise, the number on the scale may go down, but you'll wind up losing muscle, which will slow your metabolism. This will most likely cause you to not only put the weight you lost back on, but to gain even more.

Combining a regular and efficient exercise program with a healthy diet that provides the food and nutrients your body needs to fuel your muscles will initiate fat loss and increase your metabolism.

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