Wednesday, December 18, 2013

5 Questions To Ask When Making Resolutions

Two weeks from today is the beginning of a new year. This is a time of reflection and resolution. Were there things you resolved to do this year that didn't get done? Are there things that make your list every year that don't get done? If those things include losing weight & sticking to an exercise program, you definitely are not alone.

Every year, multitudes of people join (or re-join) the gym. They dutifully log hours on the treadmills or ellipticals, or use the strength machines they can figure out, or try group classes. This is all to the dismay of the gym "regulars", whose routines are disrupted because they can't use the equipment they favor or get into the class they frequent because of these "resolutioners". The gym regulars are annoyed, but they know that it won't be long before they get their equipment / spot in class back. It's the same every year — by the end of February, the majority (some stats say up to 80%!) of the new members will be gone.

If you're one of those resolutioners, I'm sure you don't feel good about continually starting something with the best intentions, only to quit.

This year, when you make a resolution, ask yourself the questions listed below. They should be asked of any resolution, but let's use "to go to the gym" as an example:

  1. Why? You need a reason why you are changing up your routine to motivate you.
    • I want to look good in a bathing suit this summer; I want to be able to run a 5K race this spring.
  2. What are the details? You need a specific plan to stick to.
    • I will go to the gym 5x a week after work: 3x to lift for 45 min, 2x to run on the treadmill for 30 min.
  3. Is it doable? It needs to be achievable — don't set yourself up to fail with an unrealistic goal.
    • Do you have obligations after work that will get in the way of going to the gym?
  4. What changes will I have to make to do this? Anticipate obstacles and figure out your solutions.
    • I will need to leave the office by 5pm, which is 1/2 hour earlier than usual; I will need to move my Thursday 4:30 pm meeting; I will need to bring my workout clothes to the office so I can go directly to the gym after work.
  5. On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you that you can do it? If it's less than 9, you need to revise it. The goal is to achieve your goal. 
    • Better to plan to go to the gym 3x a week and sometimes get in extra workouts (bonus!), than to plan for 5x a week and continually fall short of your goal & feel like you are failing. 
      • Once you get in a routine of going 3x a week, you can make a new resolution to go 4-5 x a week. Resolutions can (& should) be made on other days besides New Year's!
Give this method a try and you'll be much more likely to check your list off at the end of the year. Good luck!

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