Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Time Flies. Act Now.

With Labor Day behind us, beaches closing, and kids going back to school, you may be wondering where the summer went. You may have planned to do things you didn't get to do, see people you didn't get to see, go places you didn't get to go. You're wondering how that happened. Again.

Every year the summer seems to fly by. And then, just when we're easing into fall—getting into a groove with school, work, sports schedules—holidays start popping up.  And then the end of the year flies by, and another year is over. Again.

So, what should we do? Remember to "stop and smell the roses"? Well, yes. But also... think of those things you want to do, people you want to see, places you want to go.  Do them. See them. Go there.

You may regret that time passed and you didn't get a degree, learn a new skill, lose the weight you planned to. You may feel that it's too late now; that it will take too much time to do want you wanted to do.

Well, guess what? Time is going to continue to fly by. So, if you start training, studying, dieting, exercising, NOW, and stick with it, you'll be where you want to be in no time!

On New Year's, when everyone is saying how fast the year went, you may agree, but you'll be smarter, more skilled, leaner, stronger, than you are today. How great will that be?!

Time will pass. Quickly. You will look back and wonder where it went. You already do. So, before another season passes, start yourself on your way towards achieving your goals. Don't wait. Start now.

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