Monday, July 20, 2015

The Saboteurs


These are my exercises saboteurs. They're VERY cute, but nonetheless, they're manipulative saboteurs :)  When I exercise in the house, they appear right where I'm about to exercise—in all their cuteness, usually with a toy—wanting me to play with them, rather than do my workout. It takes some willpower to stick to my routine.

Saboteurs come in lots of forms and you might not even have thought about the ones in your life. Sometimes the people closest to us sabotage our efforts to make changes, even if those changes are in our best interest.

I hear about this a lot from my fitness clients. One client who is trying to lose an enormous amount of weight tells me stories of his wife bringing him cookies when he's already gone up to bed and making dinner plans that conflict with his scheduled training sessions. Another client's friend tried to convince her to cancel her training session and go shopping. The stories go on and on.

It's tough to create a new habit when you don't have a support network; and, it's REALLY frustrating to have your family and friends make it even harder.

If the people who are sabotaging your efforts are close to you, you need to have a serious conversation with them. Explain that what you're trying to do is really important to you. It would be great if they want to join you in your efforts, but if they don't want to, they still need to respect what you're doing. Support would be wonderful, but at the very least, they shouldn't be trying to sway you.

If you don't see those people often or you aren't close to them, you probably just need to avoid them—at least for now, while the habit is something you're still struggling with.

Lastly, find people who are also committed to the same thing(s) you are and connect with them—either in person or online. Support & accountability are keys to success. Making change is hard. You don't need to (& shouldn't) do it alone!

Feel free to share your struggles. And, I'd love to hear your stories of success :)

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