Friday, February 20, 2015

How Are Your New Year's Resolutions Going?

We're seven weeks into 2015. If you resolved to take steps to improve your health and fitness, you should being seeing results by now. It's been long enough to see body composition changes and to be feeling better & more energized.

If you've been consistently following a food &/or exercise plan and haven't seen the changes you were hoping for, then it's time to examine what you've been doing.

Did you start and give up?  If you pushed yourself too hard & were overwhelmed, start back slowly. The key is consistency. Get comfortable with lower intensity or less frequent workouts than you started with and work your way back up. If you couldn't stick to the strict diet you started, make small changes, one at a time—focus on drinking half your bodyweight in water for the first week, cut out desserts/soda the next, etc.

Are you pushing yourself enough? Your body needs to be challenged to change. For most people, walking is not going to change your body. If you can talk the whole time you're working out, you're wasting your time. You should be able to run faster &/or farther and lift heavier &/or go for more reps than you did seven weeks ago. Push yourself. Get uncomfortable!

Have you been doing the same thing over and over? Our bodies are efficient machines. They adapt and perform more efficiently the more we do something. This is great for perfecting a skill, but a challenge when trying to lose weight (more efficient = uses less energy = burns less calories) or get stronger. You need to mix it up! Take a new class; add more weight / reps / sets and different exercises to your strength program; use a different cardio machine; switch up the split times for your intervals.

Don't feel defeated if you didn't get off to a strong start. Make changes NOW. There's still plenty of time to achieve (& surpass!) your goals this year :)

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